Duduk di kolong Booth turntable dj sambil bengong ternyata rasanya gak asik lagi. Banyak kabel, dan suara musik mixingan Bohay yang kenceng banget ngalahin bunyi baling-baling pesawat.

”This is so sool.”
”The musics you play just now, so cool”
“I can’t hear You!”
“Ogey, thanks”

Padahal gua merasa nggak cool karena males ikutan jojing jojing jojing, dan agak mati gaya karena gak ngerokok dan dah stop minum sejak patah hati yang ke ahemm lets say seratus tiga belas kalinya. Berawal dari ajakan mematikan dari DJ Bohay Jaya Makmur yang sekarang malang melintang di Pulau Dewata lewat sms di sabtu yang basah.

Hi Perek, can i see you? I’ll be in Jakarta this afternoon,

mo nge dj di Naga Terbang. Be there or be spanked

Dan gua bingung mo jawab apa. Apparently i was not in some sane conditions to hang out with a friend but i actually had nothing to do that night so i said yes, anyhow it’s been almost eight months since our last hooked up. So there I was, duduk aneh sambil nyender terngantuk-ngantuk di kolong meja DJ ngeliatin Bohay yang sibuk mixing. (padahal aktivitas nongkrong di kolong meja dj dulu begitu menyenangkan, sambil nunggu di rekamin mixingan yang cihuy-cihuy---kenapa sekarang enggak ya?)

gua mo ngobrol
gua mo minum coca cola bareng
gua mo maen Uno bareng
gua mo Bohay tetep tinggal di Jakarta

“Perek…are you olra’?
“I’m cool, can I go home now?
“Can I go home now? I have to work tomorrow!”

And he didn’t hear me, so i went back home.

It’s so funny when i realize that my friends come and go but stay the same and i am standing still but change a lot.
Funny…not fun at all.

  • Looking at this cute little hamster so called Baim on TV series "Tarzan Cilik"
  • Finally smoking is haram. Haleluyah POPI, that is what we've been waiting for
  • Having this cool-but not-zara trf's-purple fedora made in Blok M
Geez i never knew that i am so easily amused.


He is waiting. By the platform. In the bus stop. In every winding road. In every place that visible or ghostly. Asking to any driver and pedestrian pass by.
"Do you see a man with a face of morning dew? And all say,

"Yes, he was ten steps away from where you stand"
He runs ten steps, and waiting. Gudang Garam Filter is hanging in his dry lips. Sway staring at the distance. Can no longer distinguish if he moves or the other stands still. Movement is relative, the emptiness of waiting is absolute.

"Do you see a man with a face of morning dew?"
"Yes, he stood by the sunrise, ten steps from where you stand"
He runs ten steps to the east. Can no longer aware if his foot moves or the distance closer. Distance is relative. the emptiness of waiting is absolute..
He is waiting. At the end of the alley. In the light. In the grave. In the dark evening. In a place where a man with a face of morning dew will never exist.


You smiled when i was telling you a story about the falling leaves swept by the wind. They asked me to wait a while for something that might have left , something that couldn’t ever be spoken. There your eyes scanned your computer screen, I’d like to wait beside just like those leaves as were. I wanted to stay there watched you slept while wishing the sun rose in a different way. Though i did nothing but exiled myself . And every second in my head was that smile. How could you be so obvious but at the same time unreal? Why was i so scared and dare as was? Why did i so vibrantly enjoy but at the same time tortured?

You smiled when i was telling you a story about a nomad from Yucatan. He drank the water he brought up until it was nothing but an empty case. When he was thirsty in the middle of wilderness. Last oase he found only a three-feet distance before he fell, dead.
I felt the same way. Thirst to death….
There you were. One beautiful colour, dazzled from the first place. Asked me to play in a game that might be fun. But i chose here alone. Betrayed every word that has been spoken by the leaves. Dissipated the water poured by those gloomy clouds. For fear.That no longer had its form
And you were stony were


Harga diriku rumpal. Gumpil begitu saja menggelosor ke tanah. Bahwa setiap anak panah yang kamu lepaskan dari busur itu langsung menuju galur asimetris di pikiranku itu aku sudah tahu. Bahwa setiap tumpukan pertahanan yang kususun sekuat kejan, akhirnya terabrasi pelan-pelan itu aku paling tahu.

Tapi entah mengapa aku masih di sini.

Mungkin karena penyiksaan ini begitu kunantikan.
Mungkin karena ini yang begitu bersemangat aku impikan.
Injeksi serupa charger, tanpa indikator penuh-kosong, tak perlulah dibahas lewat logika. Toh dalamnya tetap terbaca, jernihnya tetap terduga.
Saturasi Satu-rasa semua ada



Lalu dari sekian banyak buku yang pernah ditulis di seluruh dunia, yang dia pilih adalah buku milik Neruda. Tangannya yang basah air hujan membentuk pola ritmis noda di sampul buku yang dia pegang. Di kota yang mati, di depan gedung baru yang sepi sandaran, satu kakinya menjejak jalanan becek…dari cara duduknya di anak tangga, terlihat kegelisahan dan ketidaknyamanan. Matanya beralih menatapku yang sibuk menaswir senja saat Januari melengkung seperti daun pisang.

Untuk siapa kamu baca 'tonight i can write the saddest line' begitu lirih angin pun tak hirau?. Sometimes she loved you too, when love is too short, forgetting is too long. Untuk siapa kamu tumpahkan airmata kencana? sampai kau saingi hujan?

"Harusnya kita menari dibawahnya"

"Denganku?", telunjukmu menunjuk hidung

"Ya Kamu!"

: teka-teki berkerudung awan mendung


Akhirnya bisa liat Bromo sunrise juga...

Pict: Bromo. *Image taken By Kuaci

Akhirnya bisa ke Sempu juga. bisa makan bakso goreng juga, bisa ngopi di Batu juga. Kena virus Genggong, bikin genggeus. Jadi ngimpi liburan terus. Ah Heaven On Earth, thanks banget buat kuaci yang ngajak jalan. Juga genggong yang laen.

Pict: Snorkeling liat ikan oscar bersama genggong. Lengkap dengan pelampung tangan dan ban biar gak cape brenangnya. dari kiri ke kanan (Tito aka pacarnya maria, Norman jomblo ngarep, Bopa jomblo baru putus, Ipink jomblo by choice aka India Whore, Cici jomblo stuck on someone, Gua-i wish i were jomblo keliatannya keren dan happy). *image taken by Maria

Pict: Foto Sok Sexy diatas tebing karang bersama pohon Srikaya. *Image taken by Norman

Pict: Jadi Baywatch on trainee, dengan pelampung lengan. *Image taken By Norman

Farewel Malang... Till We Meet Again...