Here again, You sipped your beer. and said

"Why are you laughing at me?"

Sumpah saya nggak tau apa yang saya tertawakan. Saya hanya menghindari beberapa pertanyaan. Mungkin sudah berjam-jam kita lalui dengan percakapan soal film, pembalap f1, Gone with the wind, dan istana matahari di versailles.

Similar situation.

Still, I was waiting for any butterfly i used to have, or was it stupid to look for butterfly at that time and day?

Cufflinks itu masih kamu pakai, serasi dengan jepit dasi cubic zirconian. Buatan Zegna. Saya tahu. Saya yang membelinya di orchard dua tahun lalu. Kalau masih boleh ingin sekali saya rapihkan rambut pirangmu. Sudah mulai menutupi alis.

"Do you care picturing, what we'll gonna be in 10 to 20 years from now?"

Dari sekian banyak pertanyaan, kamu memilih pertanyaan itu.

"We love, argue, break up, back in love again, for those quarrels, tears, breaking ups, Have you imagined my whereabout?"

Jackpot! avoided your eyes. twenty minutes and the currents weren't changing at all. Saya nggak bisa menjawabnya. Tidak semua pertanyaan ada jawabannya.

"I am imaginning that we are together. It doesn't have to be perfect, we don't always have to love each other. But i want you to be by my side no matter what you feel. You can hate me as much as you can, you can love me as much as you need. I dare, dare you?"

Ingin saya colok mata birumu. Mana bisa saya membenci sesuatu yang belum lagi saya rasakan.
Tempat saya masih sama sejak tujuh tahun yang lalu. Kamu bisa datang kapan saja. Tapi saya butuh sesuatu yang tidak saya miliki saat ini.


Why was i still standing there? Fuck, i should've guest that this must be a trap. You already stopped talking and were staring at me with a half smile, and said:

"Thanks, I already know the answer"